Thursday, October 1, 2009

School Days

Well, the first full day of teaching if officially under my belt. :) And it went really well! I had one hour long class yesterday and two two-hour classes today (one in the morning and one after lunch). Those three classes are the three I will have for the whole year. Two of them are second grade classes and one is first grade. Everything went really smoothly, and they all seem to be excited about learning English. One of my second grade classes is all boys (except for one girl, but she wasn't here today), and even though I'm sure they'll keep me on my toes, I think they will be a lot of fun. :) All the classes are really cute and sweet though. :)

Almost all of the students know a few words in English, and lots of animal names, however I am depending a lot on my assistant to help with translating these first few weeks. It's an adjustment, trying to think of the simplest ways to give instructions, and knowing that many things you say will just not be understood unless it's translated, but I think it will get easier as we get to know each other and learn the basics of what we need to communicate in order for learning to take place. It will be interesting to see how it goes once we start teaching actual lessons next week (we just did introductory things/procedures, etc. today).

I put up some more pictures of the school if you're interested. I know there have been lots of pictures in just a few days, but I'm sure they will be less frequent as there are fewer and fewer "new things" to see. :)

P.S. Happy first day of October!! :)


  1. Oh this is so exciting! All boys in one class! Thats a pretty sweet class..

    Steph! This is so exciting:) Its so perfect.

    You will need to get a few group pictures of all of your kids lol.. I bet its a lot different then Jane Hoop.. Do you have any little Tyrans? haha.. Cant wait to hear more about your classes!!


  2. :) :) I will definitely get some pictures of the kids, and yea, it is pretty different from Hoop! There's no one quite as cute as Tyran, although there are one or two boys who will keep me busy I'm sure. :)

  3. Glad your first day went so well. It will probably take you a little while to 'rethink' how to say and teach things....

    I keep thinking of the prayer Shannon prayed for you....'bless the people Stephanie teaches and the people that teach Stephanie!' May you really enjoy and be blessed by the learning process as the children teach you about themselves, their families, their society and the world view!
