Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Hello loves. Just a quick note to let you know you're not missing anything on this side of the ocean. :) (I know you've been wondering, since you can't fly over at the moment to find out for yourselves!)

It's been a pretty normal week and a half. Classes have been going well - the kids are a little bit more control-able than the week after spring break. :) We've been trying to come up with new ideas though, to get us through the end of the year. I think we'll be ok. I've also spent plenty of time relaxing and enjoying the nice weather we've had. It still could be a bit warmer, but we've been able to get out and enjoy some of the parks and the beautiful trees that are in bloom. I'm planning on going up to Petrin (big, famous hill/park) each weekend to see the new flowers that are springing up for the next month. The rose garden will be in bloom soon too!

My dear friend Emily (Cochrane) Boys is coming next weekend as well! (You're famous, Em :) Please pray that everything with the flights to Europe clears up by then (and sooner, for everyone else we know who's stuck either here or there)!! I'm so excited to see and talk with her, and show her around my city. :)

That's all for now. Hope you all are having a wonderful week!


  1. Okay - I checked last night and this wasn't here...thus the email to Grandma!! Sorry - you'll have to correct me :) Good to hear from you! Love you lots, Mom

  2. Dats a whole lot of parentheses!

  3. im so excited to see you so soon!!
