I'm so sorry it's taking this long to get back into the swing of keeping you updated with what's going on over here across the ocean. Let's just say it's been a busy couple of weeks (I know, I know, it's always that way). I do have pictures up finally from my spring break trip with friends from back home! And many good stories to go along with them. I will have to make you wait a little longer for those, however.
I'd rather fill you in on life since then first, and fill you in on the rest in the next few days. I have a long weekend off of school (Thurs. - Mon.) for Easter so, the likely hood of actually finding time to write is pretty high! :)
Anyways, I had a four day week last week and only a three day week this week so it was a nice transition out of vacation-mode. We did, however, have some extra things going on at school. There are about ten more "future first graders" who are interested in our program than we have room to take for next year's classes. As a result, the principal of our school decided that we should conduct mini interviews with each student and their parents to see if we could narrow down the list and basically decide who to take and who not to take. Yea, a little sketchy, but that's the way it was. So, Michelle and I and our assistants, along with the principal met with each child individually for 15 min. each after school. Michelle and I did different activities with them while our assistants and the principal talked with their parents. We also had to write down what we observed about the children, so that we could use the information for making our decision about each child. Needless to say, almost every 6 year old acting exactly the same in the one-on-one environment, and since we're not basing it off of their English level, we didn't gain a whole lot of useful information. I guess that's how it goes though - you gotta do what cha gotta do.
Ok, and I just tried to write a paragraph about staying on for another year... it is April Fool's you know... but I couldn't bring myself to do it. :) Not that many of you would have believed it in the first place. :) And I'm out of time for now, so I will have to leave it at that. All for now!
Spring is in the air!
Beer Gardens at Letna park.
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