As I've mentioned before, we're going through the book of Colossians in my women's Bible study that meets at our house on Wednesday nights. This is the first verse of the next section (so we haven't spent time on it yet) but it's been something that I've been thinking about a lot the past few months. Prayer. Really, the thing I've been thinking is that I really want to spend more time learning about it. It's something the Bible talks about a lot - it's something that we're told holds a lot (understatement) of power. It's something we're supposed to devote ourselves to and do continually. It's something we ask for and make promises about everyday - "Pray for my brother, pray for good weather..." and "I'll be praying for you!" But what does that look like in my daily schedule and how important/effective do I really believe it to be? Is it something my life is devoted to? I know there are tons of good resources out there talking about this, and the better understanding I have it, the better I will be able to do it. So, all of that to say it's one thing I'm looking forward to spending time with in the upcoming months.

I also want to start thinking about some good processing questions and such, as my time here is coming to a close. Reflecting is not something that necessarily comes easily for me - I never feel like I have a quick answer for those "thoughtful" questions that people always ask. I do know it is a good thing though, not just to satisfy the interests of others :) but for myself to have an understanding of what the past 10 months or so have meant to me and for me. So, I'll be working on that and letting you know how it goes. :) Also, if you have any "good" processing questions feel free to send them my way...
So, to catch you up on the weekend (I just never seem to have the chance to let you in on things as they are happening) I attended my very first "ball." :) The best way I can think to describe it though is really just a really fun wedding reception. It's a fun name to call it though. :) Every year the high schools in the city have a "ball" very much like a prom, only it's just as much for the parents and teachers as it is for the seniors. Many businesses have one as well - Czechs just like dressing up and having a good time I guess! And for the past three years or so, our elementary school has done one for their "graduating" nineth graders as well. So Michelle and I, along with Lucie, my assistant and her husband got all dolled up and danced the night away. It really was so much fun - with all the parents and teachers out on the dance floor having a great time. It was at one of the fanciest/most famous hotels in the city. They had a live band and played mostly English songs, including songs from "Mama Mia" and "Grease" :) It's also a big tradition for everyone to take dance lessons while they're in high school, so it was fun just to watch too (during the slow songs :) But yea, it was just a really great time hanging out with everyone. You can see more pics from the evening here:
Lucie, me and Michelle
And after a late night at the ball, Michelle and I got up bright and early on Saturday to go a neighborhood garage sale in the "American Village!" :) It's a part of Prague designed to look and feel like an American suburb - and they do a pretty good/creepy job. :) This was another thing Lucie wanted to make sure we got to see. It was a great time hanging out with her and her adorable family!
Gideon, Dominik and Destiny
Destiny and Abby
After the garage sale we came back home and took a two hour nap, and then I went to visit Jess, who had hurt her foot earlier in the week and was stuck in her house for a couple of days. We played some Phase 10 and then ventured out for a live concert in the city.
Sunday I had coffee with Betsy, another good friend I've met here and taught Sunday school in church.
Monday morning I helped get Talitha off to the airport for her three week holiday to Turkey and Greece. I've got the place to myself which is nice so far :), but I have some girls coming over Saturday for dinner and a movie which will be good.
Tuesday evening I had dinner with our worship pastor and his wife and two young kids - it was so nice hanging out with them and getting to know them better!
And in between all of that I've been teaching my classes, cleaning the flat (it gets dirty so easily, especially when we're busy!) and catching up with lesson plans and emails. Never a dull moment, that's for sure!
I have had a little bit of a break this week, since two of my classes were cancelled do to the kids being off on their "week in nature." This is something each classes does (all over Czech, I think) when they go off for a week with their class and have basically a second spring break/week of summer camp. It's a pretty sweet deal if you ask me. So today I only have my afternoon class of 1st graders and then tutoring with Dominik. That has still been going well too! I think I'm going to go to one of Dominik's soccer games this Saturday so that will be really fun! It will be nice to just spend more time with his family. Now if the weather would get back to normal it would be perfect - cold, cloudy and rainy (which it has been for basically the whole month of May) doesn't do much to motivate you to get out of the house or go to a soccer game!
Anyway, I think that's the main news for the week. :) Have a good rest of your week!!
Heya, Steph - once again, great update :) Love the pics of Lucy's kids! Hope you do get a good spell of weather, esp for the soccer game! Today is sunny & 71-72 in Chicago - nice! The wind keeps it cool tho. We learned on our boat tour last night that the nickname "Windy City" was NOT for the wind, was given because of the politicians!! Ha-ha! Chicago really is a neat place to visit...lots of good history and famous people/events. I've had fun being here. Miss you lots, and still counting the weeks...
ReplyDeleteHave fun on Saturday with the girls!
Love & hugs, Mom