Thanks to all of you who faithful check my blog, just because you love me and are interested in what's going on in my life. I'm sorry I do such a poor job at delivering the news. I do love you though, and it means so much to me!
I figured I'd do this round of posts in two segments - this one with things that have been going on, and the next one (following soon after) with the thoughts that have been accompanying them in the past couple of weeks.
Well, to start with - I did not end up going skiing Sunday like I had said I was planning on. We had to cancel and reschedule for the following week, only to cancel yet again. At that point I didn't plan on it happening any time soon, however my friend Jessica called me the next week (this past Saturday) and we did it! So Jessica and I, along with 4 other people she works with, piled into a van and drove 2 hrs. north to Spindleruv Mlyn and the mountains on the border with Poland. Needless to say, it was amazingly beautiful and just a little different from the skiing I've done in Cincinnati. :) Here are a few pics from the day, and the link to see the rest of them:
I also got the chance to see the music group Swell Season in concert last week! The group consists of one guy and one girl, playing piano and guitar, and singing some of the most beautiful harmonies. You might know them from the film Once. The concert was great, and lots of fun! It was in a beautiful underground ballroom in the heart of the city (you would never guess that it was buried under the big grey building!). It was especially fun to feel how excited and warm the crowd was towards the group. The girl is Czech herself, and it was obvious that the people there had a special place for her in their hearts. The music was lovely and the performance entertaining, especially with the four encores that they did at the end. :)
This past Sunday I visited the church group that Sasha Fleck is a part of here in Prague. Many of you know him and the work that he's done translating the Bible into Czech for the past 15 years. Our church (VCNW) has partnered with him in that and I have been looking forward to connecting with him since I've come over. I had seen him a couple of times, but hadn't made it to the group meeting on Sunday nights. I went with Michelle this week and it was really neat! Most of it was in Czech, but it was great to still feel like a part of the community and part of what God is doing here in Prague.
School has had some stressful moments over the past couple of weeks, although my individual classes are still going really well. The other teachers and myself are kind of feeling the pressure of it being the middle of the year and having parents and principals especially interested in what's going on, tangible results, student behavior, etc. It's good, but a bit stressful. I have been enjoying my 2nd graders especially, though - this week we learned about "it is/they are" and "there is/there are." It's really fun giving them the tools they need to form basic thoughts, and to have them listen and respond to different things! As long as they remember it a month from now, we'll be good to go... :)
And finally, the weeks have also been filled with more dinner and coffee dates with friends, along with a few relaxing evenings at home, making dinner and watching Chuck or the Office with Talitha. :) People ask what I do for fun here in the city, and quite honestly, those evenings at our flat are some of the best. :)
Ok, that's all for the moment, but more to come soon! Love love!