The past few days/week has been filled with many mixed emotions. I've said lots of goodbyes to some very good friends - with the hard part being the uncertainty of seeing each other again. I am confident, though, that this wont be the last time for seeing many of them. And then the thought of leaving such a beautiful city, and wondering exactly what it will be like to move back into the culture at home has made for some mixed emotions as well...
As the time approaches, however, I am getting more and more excited. :) Mostly with the thought of seeing you all again :) and realizing that God has brought me along this path, and returning home now is just another step in it. I think I've come to realize that I have changed in some ways (living in another country for 10 months does that, I guess) and even if I can not put my finger on exactly what those changes are at the moment, they are there. At first that thought was scary too, but then God reminded me that He is the one who has been at work in my life, bringing about those changes, and that no matter what they are, he has a place prepared for me - changes and all. And that makes me feel a lot better. :)
So, the past week or so has been filled with goodbyes and final walks around the city. I do feel like I've had time to finish everything well, and have had some time to think and process a bit also. Looking back at the ways I have seen God at work during my time here is encouraging as I go home, knowing that me being here has served a purpose, and that it was significant, even if it was not for a very long length of time.
And I can't thank you all enough for the support that you've been while I have been over here as well. Just knowing that you were following along (even during my weeks of silence :) and praying for me has meant so much. So thank you!
And now I'll leave you with a review of some of my favorite pictures from the pas year. :) I love you all and can't wait to see you SOON!!